Sodapup Wins Award for USA-Made Dog Toys

Posted by Adam Baker on

Sodapup was given a 2020 Vanguard Award by Pet Insight Magazine.

"A growing number of pet parents are demanding high quality products that are durable and priced fairly. Suppliers in the Made in US category are meeting these demands with products that can withstand rough housing, chewing and competitive pricing.

'Demand for Made in the US pet products is growing for a variety of reasons,' said Adam Baker of SodaPup. "Generally speaking, demand for US Made products across many industries has been expanding because there is a broad sentiment in America that we shouldn't abandon manufacturing in our own country. Beyond this patriotic sentiment, environmental considerations are also becoming a bigger factor in consumer decision making. It's wasteful to produce and ship products halfway around the world when they can be made closer to their final destination. In the pet industry specifically, safety and quality are growing considerations.'

'At SodaPup, we're seeing a dramatic increase in demand for American-made products,' Baker added. 'Whereas some companies produce a portion of their products in the US when it's convenient, American manufacturing is the pillar of the SodaPup brand. Everything is produced in the US as a matter of principal. It's a core value for us. Consumers understand the difference between a company like ours versus companies that tout a portion of their product line that is Made in the US but aren't full committed to it.'

Congratulations to RuffDawg and West Paw for their inclusion in the award. See the full article here:



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