If you're a Dog Day Care or Kennel operator or an Animal Shelter you know that you go through dog toys like nobody's business. You need toys that are built to last and won't break the bank. SodaPup is here to help. Purchase a box of 20 cosmetic second durable NYLON dog toys for $99.99 including free shipping in the United States. (additional shipping charges apply for orders outside the US). Our cosmetic seconds have minor cosmetic blemishes but are perfectly functional. The boxes are prepacked predominantly (but not exclusively) with size large durable NYLON toys which are ideal for dogs 35-65 pounds. Boxes may include some smaller sized toys as well. These toys are not eligible for our 30 day replacement guarantee. These products come with no packaging and are not eligible for re-sale. No returns accepted.
Please make sure it is nylon toys that you want, not to be confused with our rubber toys. Nylon toys are made from a hard plastic material. They are a tough chewing challenge for the most aggressive chewers.