What should I look for when selecting a retrieving or fetch toy for my dog?
When choosing a toy for your dog to fetch, make sure it's safe, durable, and fun for your dog! The best fetch toys are made from easily washable and non-toxic materials like natural rubber or TPE. There is no oversight in the dog toy manufacturing industry, and even buying a toy made in the United States doesn't guarantee a non-toxic toy so do your research before buying. All SodaPup dog toys are made in the USA from FDA compliant materials that are safe for your dog.
What should I look for when selecting a retrieving or fetch toy for my dog?
When choosing a toy for your dog to fetch, make sure it's safe, durable, and fun for your dog! The best fetch toys are made from easily washable and non-toxic materials like natural rubber or TPE. There is no oversight in the dog toy manufacturing industry, and even buying a toy made in the United States doesn't guarantee a non-toxic toy so do your research before buying. All SodaPup dog toys are made in the USA from FDA compliant materials that are safe for your dog.
Do dogs enjoy playing fetch?
Fetch Makes most dogs feel good. When you play fetch with your dog and you notice how much they're enjoying themselves, that's because they're able to show off their ingrained capabilities. We're simply letting our dogs do what they do best when we play fetch.
Do dogs naturally play fetch?
While some dogs love to play fetch, and for dogs like retrievers the game comes very naturally, other dogs may find the idea of fetch foreign. Some dogs don't have much interest in toys or aren't naturally inclined to bring toys back after being thrown.
Why do dogs love to fetch balls?
The ball is an item dogs love specifically because they can chase it well, it can fit in their mouth easily, they can spot it, and it is fast. ... Playing fetch makes your dog feel good. When they chase the ball and retrieve it, this is a deed accomplished and their body knows it. This is how they are as dogs.